Photography as reportage
This type of photography keeps us informed of what happens in the world of today
in my opinion this is images that should be shared to the world and not hidden from
the world
Photography as art
This type of photography has taken a step forward in expressing emotion
in still pictures, the art of photography is evolving into movement within
still imagery
Photography in science
This is just for record keeping, a way nerds show us their fancy toys,
this is why parents should buy them toys, because life is not about
science but art and understanding, photography in science might be awesome
but really not necessary
Domesticated photography
Domesticated photography should be private, as to me it is
something that only family or Friends show one another to explore
the pleasure of memories enjoyed
Intimacy photography
This photography gives a sense of wanting intimacy in ones life,
because without this you cant built relationships with others
Paparazzi photography
If you are famous everyone wants to know what you are doing every
second of the day, being a victim of paparazzi is plainly your own fault
Snapshot photography
This is a good kind of photography because we take snapshots for
a spur of a memorable memento, something that has happened
just for that moment that can be remembered forever
Pornography in photography
In truth i feel there is nothing wrong with exploiting ones body, if people
allow themselves to be exploited in this way we cant judged or
blame them for what they are doing, we live in a sex sells world,
people aren't forced to do this type of photography but an opportunity to make money
Great pictures and interesting comments